Lisa Frankland

Executive Director

Hello! A little bit about me – I have spent the past twenty-five years in leadership roles within different non-profit organizations and have loved serving people through each opportunity. A reoccurring passion these roles have uncovered and developed within me is to help women thrive as they journey through life.

Everyone’s journey is vastly different. Mine. Yours. They don’t look the same.

However, self-discovery and self-transformation are two terrific pathways to walk for the brave of heart, even though they involve pebbles, rocks, and potential landslides. What makes the trek worthwhile? The sense of accomplishment and spectacular view from a vantage point that is new and live giving. I’ve been fortunate enough to enjoy a front row seat to the process of change in many women’s lives, and for many years. This simply never grows old for me, and I hold the privilege loosely.

Serving at Hope House allows me to continue doing life in the center of my passion - watching, guiding, cheering, directing women who are working (hard) towards health and healing. These women develop an idea of a preferred future over the course of time, and the team at Hope House is here to help them grab on to that future, to the best of our ability.

My education has included a BA in Christian Ministry: Counselling and an MA Certificate in Leadership. And while I thoroughly enjoy the classroom setting for subjects of particular interest to me, it is the actual working out of lessons that fulfills me - the education of Life and Experience.

I have terrific supporters, both family and friends - along with two little people who make me smile and bring me large amounts of joy. People - it’s pretty much all about people for me.

To Hope. To Honour. To Heal

Jocelyn Penner

Clinical Coordinator

Jocelyn has worked with individuals of all ages with multiple addictions and concurrent diagnoses throughout the U.S. and Canada. In the early years she was a licensed foster parent managing an emergency shelter for adolescent girls and providing services for children and families in crisis as an intake social worker for Child and Family Services. After graduate school she worked as an addiction’s counselor, family counselor and went on to manage residential programs for co-occurring disorders at several premier treatment centers throughout the U.S. Jocelyn is a Certified Addiction Professional, Internationally Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor, Certified Trauma Therapist and a Licensed Mental Health Counselor.

Dr. Laura Whyte & Andrew S.


Laura and Andrew are co-founders of the Hope Project, originally starting the initiative in 2014 with a handful of other hopeful dreamers. The two served on our Board of Directors for a ten year term, with Laura serving as the board's Chair.

Andrew is a pharmacist with Lawton's Pharmacy, and Laura serves as a physician at the Cape Breton Regional Hospital.

Together they have three incredible little children.